Thank you for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game!
On a related but also very self-serving note, if you DID enjoy the game please feel free to leave a rating / review on the game's page...maybe it'll help cancel out some of those lower ratings from people who gave zero feedback on their 3-star "reviews" -__-
If not, that's fine too...FYI the next project won't be directly linked to this game, but there will be a few common elements and it will be MUCH shorter, so definitely check back in the next few months as I start to work on getting things in order :D I DO already know what's gonna happen in Apotheosis (I had actually started working on it before Genesis); it's just that the game is easily twice as big as this one and I don't think I'm ready to dive into another 3-5 year project just yet.