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yeah sorry, I don't get ive tried playing it about 7 times now and immediately after the tutorial I find myself confused on what to do. the first guy moves really fast and insta-kills you and I just don't have a sense of whats going on. 

I'm sorry you were getting a bit confused. I'll work some more on getting the speed of the first guys just right to make them fast, as I want, but not so fast where the player doesn't have a sense of what's going on, despite an in-game tutorial. I've thought about reducing the damage for the ads, although I was waiting for an outside voice to say something about it. I'm also working on more indicators in trials,  they're still supposed to be vague and are intended to have their meaning figured out through trial and error, things like the wall turning green on the first level. Thank you for giving me feedback on this and helping to make a better player experience for all!