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I wasn't suggesting remapping it.   ---- Okay I just replayed it and I've realized my issue is I didn't realize holding down the jump key longer gives me a higher jump. I'm used to a single tap giving a consistent height jump and a longer tap not changing the outcome. 

Suggestions I forgot to give but remembered on a second play through: 

The game shakes on impact of the pet hitting the walls in the Pet POV early levels, but doesn't in the pet+owner levels.

Could you teach the player that the pet will charge unprompted in a new direction if it sees food in the Pet POV chapters? On the second play through the level (which you correctly guessed with the screen shot) where I almost quit it happened to be much easier because the humans happened to be standing out of sight at the right time so the pet didn't take the corners so fast. (or just put the level in question later because you'll realize the auto-agro in the first few pet+owner levels - and maybe you were going to make this change anyway because you called it intermediate in a previous comment)

> Jumping

Ah, got it. Thanks. Maybe there needs to be an easy "high" jump in the beginning to make it clear.

> Game shakes

Good catch. I've got two "pet" update loops - one for when it's player-controlled and the other when it's cpu-controlled. I hadn't realized I'd forgotten to add the camera shakes to the cpu version.

> Could you teach the player that the pet will charge unprompted in a new direction if it sees food in the Pet POV chapters?

Oh, I've been trying to do that. I think the pet should ideally have a "tell" that highlights the direction it's going to move and the human target. I thought I could get away with just popping up a speech bubble with "meat" in it, but I think you're right that it is not enough.

Thanks for the feedback! It's helpful!