So after playing for a short bit, I noticed a lot of flaws with this game. Here's a list of things I think could use an improvement:
- Please consider changing the controls, tank controls are terrible for an online game in 2017.
- Aiming is pretty weird. Sometimes the crosshair appears, sometimes it doesn't. I also noticed that the aiming isn't accurate with the mouse.
- Sometimes gun shots will go through zombies.
- Stamina meter is too short.
- Animations need some serious rework. They're either really awkward, or they don't look seamless, and bones will twitch into place once the animation loops.
- The camera is directly behind the player, and so it's difficult to see things directly in front of you. Slightly raising the camera and aiming in downwards would work a little better, or you could do the camera lock thing like Resident Evil 4.
- Voice acting isn't terrible, but it could be done a little better.
- The characters look great, but the environments need a serious remodel. Looks like a mobile game with this.
- It's too difficult for zombies to actually attack you. Whenever they do actually manage to attack, it's a miss.
- The login system is a bit strange. I've never seen an online game that doesn't use registration with a Email, & Password. The username and PIN is pretty weird.