How's it going?
My name's Isabelle Farmer and I'm here to throw my hat into the ring for this bundle! I'm not entirely certain what would qualify as being good for this bundle but I wanted to give it a shot anyway!
Little Burned Maiden is the Assassin Life Sim about Murder and Self-care. It is a very scrappy little game project but it has generally been well-received by the 41 odd people who downloaded it. It does not have the biggest audience currently, but it made its expected lifetime sales within the first month! Furthermore, as a Chinese-American developer myself, I typically celebrate the Lunar New Year so it would be a lot to me on many levels to be featured.
I am sure it will be an excellent addition to the bundle as a less-well-known title that would not necessarily get as much visibility otherwise--while also being decently high quality, thus incentivizing further purchases of these sorts of bundles.
Thank you for your consideration! Please have a good day!