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I just started his, so i dunno how ends his, but i think he maybe finish all routes :D

Hope so, I am running out of VNs.

Soon me too :)


Ehh, i just finished Owen's.

This game is inspiring to make a Visual Novel, but i dunno how to draw furry and i have nothing to start it. :(


True, I've draw Owen quiet a few time but my brain is not fit for thinking novels so its not possible for me. And believe me it really feels good after drawing furries :)

to be honest, i have insanely lot feels, so i'm easier write something than draw. I can copy another one's draw perfectly or just change their draw into my style, but i can't draw by myself. I can imagine the faces, but i simply can't draw them down. :/

I think in years i will try to make a visual novel, until i practice other people's style to learn anatomy. I already learned 3 years about programing, so i think i gonna deal with it, also i have a friend who will teach me to draw furry. All my problem is i have a huge anxiety problem. I'm anxious about everything, about work or about get or spend money, i'm anxious even to go to the shop. I thought i grew it out even im 21 yo, but i'm still a little shit. :D Maybe that's a reason why is my writing skill is better than any other about me.

I see, well I know one day you will overcome  your anxiety and then if you make any visual novel don't forget to notify me a little, I'll be really happy to read it :)

Well, i will do. :D But it not will be in the days sadly. :D Even i have to learn draw furry, also i have to type 30-40 page long tests bc of the school, i have almost 100 pages for source and do this all in a month... After i going another middleschool then i take a break. I plan to make my vn is about 1-2 years. I hope i not lose hope and don't give up on this goal. It's gonna be a destinition.

It will be great to read a new VN written by a friend but most importantly have faith and never lose hope. 

I will be waiting until that day, Best Of Luck. :)))

Thanks man. ♡