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Hey! I played through your game and I really liked it! I'm a big game design nerd, so here are a few comments I had

Good lord, this game had some really amazing good points. Like, I can't believe the quality you put into this. The animations are so satisfying, and the backgrounds make the whole game come alive. The controls feel really tight and natural which is amazing for a bullethell game. Sometimes during the boss battles I felt like I was playing Cuphead.

In addition to the visual aspect, the sounds were incredible and fit so naturally into the experience. Gawra's chatter, the sounds of guns and collecting powerups, it was all really well-done. My personal favorite part was using the powerups, and being amazed at how well you put the rest of the cast into the game. Their soundclips, powers and animations looked genuinely professional, and I could tell how much love you put into them.

The enemies were also really well-designed. I appreciated how each one was introduced as a boss so you could learn their attack-patterns one-on-one, then thrown into the fray as a normal enemy later in the game. It made things feel like a genuine test of skill rather than getting instakilled just because you don't know what a certain telegraph means.

I think the most well-designed enemy in my opinion was the siren boss. The attacks are multi-directional and prove more dangerous the closer you get to the boss, meaning you have to be ready to sprint in and out to get hits in. My very favorite part though was the music note attack in which the siren would send musical notes to slowly follow you. This was a stroke of genius. It forced the player to keep on their toes and be in constant motion, dodging and weaving between enemy attacks instead of making small, calculated dodges. This brought the game's strengths as a bullethell into focus, and the fight was really enjoyable.

In contrast, I think the cyber-hunter was a little overdone. Wheras the siren introduced interesting mechanics that changed the way you had to approach the boss fight, the cyber-hunter simply put as many bullets into the water as possible with little rhyme or reason. I think I would have preferred a scaled-up version of the siren, perhaps with all of the other enemies thrown in. 

Anyways, those were my thoughts about the game. All-in-all I absolutely loved it, and I hope that Smol Ame's popularity will help boost this game too. I saw some superchats in today's stream urging the girls to try it out. Maybe Gawra will even play it some day? We can only hope.

Thanks again for creating this amazing game, and good luck in the future!

I am very grateful that you like this game so much! It's so touching when every time getting the feedback. That makes it worth I put into designing the game.

I think Cyber Hunter is a tough boss. Some players also think that this is more difficult than the final boss. Next game I will be designed more precisely by this these experience.

BTW,  the next game is planned to be an original story and characters, although it might take more time to finish. Hope I can get your support again when the game is released! Thanks! I really appreciate it! :D

Idk, Cyber Hunter does have an attack that will pretty much hit you no matter what if you're not lucky since there's no way to tell where the attacks will land.