This game is great, Movement feels fluid (if a little slippery at times) and it's fun to just blast through levels with the near flight capability of the characters. This is raw "go fast" in it's purest form. And the art for some of these levels is amazing, the Vaporwave asthetic adding to the dream-like feel of the game.
I also love the "Minigames" that break up the action, especially early game levels, like the polycar or the times when Unlimited Trees stops everything for the spagettii episode or quiz. they break up the the platforming very well and kept the gameplay feeling fresh. I was actually kinda missing them for the last two levels as it felt like they went on forever, making me just wish for a good stopping point.
That said, I do have a few issues with the game. With the vertical Swing bars, it feels like I have no control over whether I launch up or down with them, often flinging myself into danger for no reason because they're all over the place.
Second it's rough to see bullets and parsing what's "real" and what's "part of the background/foreground" several times I was hit with a slow White projectile against a very light pastel pink background, halting all momentum. Maybe take a cue from Cuphead and make all projectiles one or two distinct colors that stands out against the majority of backgrounds?
Finally, this physics system just does not like precision platforming. like at all. Trees always feels like they're on ice, and trying to get them to stop on a dime to advoid deathpits, (or poison pits). is an effort in futility. This is the worst in the boss fights, as the later fights start to edge into danmaku territory, and making "little" movements is a bit tricky with Trees.
Still, great game I give it a Hamburger/10