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My favourite game of the Jam that I played. Really lovely art, just an incredible artstyle that I haven't seen before paired with a lovely plot with heartfelt moments. I loved the animations too, they really added a lot. I also was a fan of the sound, would have loved to hear a *glug* for the drink though. All in all I hope this game wins the Jam as it's the best one I've seen in my opinion!


Thank you very much for your comment, super appreciated! As the sound designer for this game: the glug sound is a funny thing - it's audible in the Twitch stream Game Dev London did, which is the same version of the game we uploaded here, but it's not audible when I play it as well... Funny disappearing glug, haha. Thank you! 


That's very strange, we definitely had a drink sound effect when we pushed it! I'll have to check it again. But I did a bug fix version after the jam finished that I didn't upload because it was after the deadline so it might be that version I've been thinking of and with it being one of the things I had to work on as a Dev it's definitely going to bother me till I find out why ! It was supposed to have one though but thank you so much for the kind words :)