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I’ve played this for about an hour, but I got some feedback.

The white text on the bright backgrounds (such as the battle popup text and the health/mana text on top of the bars) makes it impossible to see and a bit frustrating, consider adding an outline.

Physical build doesn’t seem too viable so far, I’ll have to play to judge more deeply.

The game is extremely reminiscent of Mothlight, from the beginning area, to the save points and even the artstyle. Which is cool, especially considering Samu is no longer around publicly (at least with his Samu alias).

The hard mode isn’t too hard, though considering there’s no middle option that’s a good thing. That’s all good.

Music is alright, not my thing but it serves the game well.

Overall with some minor changes this can improve the game in a big way. Hope you find this helpful (I may or may not post another review later.