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This is a nice idea; the choice between being safe in the light but unable to move, and free to move but in danger, reminds me of Lurking In The Dark which won 2019's GMTK Jam. However, I think the graphical limitations do this a disservice. The individual sprites not being very distinct, and the need for monochrome dithering of lit areas to attempt to show shadow and light falloff, mean that all too often the screen seems to dissolve into a mess of seemingly-random pixels and I have no idea what's going on, I'm afraid. I don't necessarily know if this is fixable given the sharp limitations of this jam's requirements, but it feels like the game concept is a good one; I'd like to see this implemented somewhere without quite such stringent requirements on the graphics. A four-level green/greyscale palette would probably fix this problem entirely, if there's a "Game Boy Jam" or similar around at some point :-)