I'm working on a dating sim where you choose between a man, an alien, and an AI. It has the very creative name of The Man, The Alien, and the AI. I'm on the dating parts now (the excuse is they're going to a distant planet, it takes three days to get there, so they might as well sit around and flirt). I have the AI and the man's first sequences written. I'm happy with the man's bit, but the AI's bit might be too...personal? Look, one of my tastes is an AI that enjoys overpowering humans. This terrifies most people. So it's a matter of writing him so that he's still sympathetic despite doing all the stuff that he's doing/enjoying. Which makes for a nice bit of internal conflict for the character, at the very least. Also, kind of stuck on the alien's personality. He's supposed to be a handsome rogue with deeper bits, but I can't figure out what the deeper bits ARE without making him too angsty.
But other than that, it's going great and I'm having a great time!
(I'm a little shy about sharing visuals, since all the backgrounds are edited public domain photos and the sprites are all from a character builder (and I'm not 100% sure on any of them), so hopefully its okay if I don't post any pictures just yet)