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(3 edits) (+1)

OK, I'm going to have to complain here, because I don't understand what's going on and I feel like I should understand, because I like the idea of this game. Factory-style games are fun, and I thought I understood the concept here; the switches enable "converters" that turn one type of shape into another, and the goal is that we only collect the desired shape(s) at the end. But I don't understand two things: how do you know what the desired shape is, and what do you do with shapes that can't be converted?

Below is a screenshot from the game I've just played. My understanding of this is that machine number 1, the leftmost machine, converts a hollow "teardrop" into a hollow oval; machine 2 converts a hollow rectangle into a hollow oval; machine 6 converts a filled rectangle into a hollow rectangle; etc. This all makes sense. It is possible that the shape in the bottom left, a filled "triangle", is meant to be the shape that we create. But... none of the machines create this shape! And the first shape that's come from the conveyor belt is a filled oval, and none of the machines convert from this shape! I figured that, for example, machine 2 might convert filled oval to hollow teardrop, and machine 4 might convert hollow teardrop to filled triangle, and so I'd need to turn on switches 2 and 4 to "handle" the filled oval... but that's not the case. And if the filled oval gets to the end of the conveyor, one of the 3 dots on the right disappears because I've got one strike. So... I don't understand what to do.

This feels like me being stupid and missing something obvious, so I'll be happy to hold off rating this game until I understand it better, and perhaps the instructions on the page are tweaked so that other people also understand it better. (It's possible that everyone else gets it and I don't, of course!)

Hi Stuart, and thank you for your feedback! You are totally right, I need to improve the UX of my game, expectially providing a better explanation of the rules. 

All the mechanics are well implemented , letting the player to modify every single shape in all others. To solve your dilemma, the last 2 machines ( 5 and 6 ) just fill or drain a shape, not only for the rectangles! About the desired shape, I should move the slot from left-down to another position where the player better figure out!

So thank you again, when is possibile for me, I will surely improve my game! :D