at least for Alpha0.0.82
Do not fully assemble items until Point of Sale
here's a list of things that can cause customers not to accept fully assembled items.
- Two different tiers of the same type of item - e.g Tin Greatsword and Iron Greatsword - If a customer asks for Iron Greatsword - First and foremost, they look at the "Greatsword" they see first, and try to take it.
- If that greatsword is Not Iron, Their programming tells them not to take it.
- However, another code tells them to take any Greatsword (afaik. This is one of the Things Dasius attempts to "fix" was customers not taking "any" greatsword when they walked up)
- Further on "any greatsword" in version 0.0.81 Customers would ask for "A greatsword" and if you had 8 iron Greatswords, they'd refuse to take all but 1 of them - and you had to figure out which one was THE ONE they were actually looking at.
- Dasius mentioned in the changelog "this" was fixed - I assume he means specifically that. - that whole "only "the one" out of all" is no more - but now, there's an additional catch - and now a customer will ask for a specific metal tier as well
- Since there's code telling them "Take any Greatsword"
- and then conflicting code telling them "Don't take anything but iron"
- They get stuck in a logic loop, Refusing any and all other items, even the correct item, even if its moved closer to them. -
- That is until, the offending object is removed from their sight/reach.
- If you have fully assembled items ("You created an iron greatsword!" "you created a Copper Greathammer!")
- And then save, quit, and reload.
- The item will now be "broken" and require dismantling and reassembling in order to be sold.
- I'm not entirely sure what brought this on, but it may have a mix bag of things related to previous errors in state of the weapon parts that plagued 0.0.81 - that "fixed" that problem, but together, spawned a new problem.
- And then save, quit, and reload.
- I have heard that some users/versions of the game/computers/whatever - have had it where even in the same session, without save quit reload
- After 5-25mins (likely no specific time range) an assembled item becomes "broken' and unless they broke it down and reassembled it, it wasn't going anywhere.
- I've never personally experienced this myself
- but.
- After 5-25mins (likely no specific time range) an assembled item becomes "broken' and unless they broke it down and reassembled it, it wasn't going anywhere.
All of these can currently be worked around with the same solution.
Do not fully assemble your items, and you'll be fine.
Instead, Premake large blades and large hammer heads - etc. and Keep 3 ingots of whatever metal you're working on, on the forge, at all times.
Every time you get an extra three, make a new head - keeping in mind that the more ingots it requires, the less you'll have to hammer later.
Keep the premade Tool-heads, near the counter, and keep handles within reach of the workbench, then when a customer comes in asking for something, take the appropriate tool head, and set it on the workbench (if you have the appropriate head, if not, you'll have to make it, regardless)
Then grab the nearby handle and set the item ontop of the cloth on the counter for sale. - handle towards the gap/customer
This way you'll stay ahead of the request timer by having /something/ premade - and you won't have to deal with any of those three pace-halting bugs.
Keep in mind while doing this. to not accidentally carry a tool head over the forge while its on.
If the tool head (recently cooled) gets even a millisecond of heat from the forge, it'll require cooling before it can be attached later.
The shorter it was over the fire, the worse. as it seems to take a minimum level of heat before the game will automatically cool it off. resulting in a tool head "cooled off" that is forever like 0.01% heated (which can't be combined)
to stay further on the ball - I do however, recommend constantly keeping the forge running, especially when a customer is halfway up the road on their way to your shop - this way the ingots are already heated to be hammed.