try using this source, it's a little better to understand and has configurable width and height at the top. Unfortunately it's not 551 byte anymore 8p
<canvas id="c" width="532" height="500"><script> width=58; height=30; r=Math.random; k=e=>{ if(e){g[b][a]=W; e=e.key; x=a; y=b; e=='w'?y--:e=='s'?y++:e=='a'?x--:e=='d'?x++:s; if(g[y][x]==R)location.reload(); if(g[y][x]==W)b=y,a=x} g[b][a]='#0f0'; for(y=b-1; y<b+2; y++){ for(x=a-1; x<a+2; x++){ c.fillStyle=g[y][x]; c.fillRect(x*9,y*9,9,9) }} }; W='#888'; R='#f00'; d=a=b=1; c=c.getContext('2d'); c.canvas.width=(width+2)*9; c.canvas.height=(height+2)*9; g=[]; for(y=0; y<height+2; y++){g[y]=Array(width).fill('#000')}; for(y=1; y<height; y+=2){ for(x=1; x<width; x+=2){ g[y][x]=W; if(r()>.5&&y<height-2||x>width-3) { g[y+1][x]=W; } else { if(x<width-3) g[y][x+1]=W; } if(y>1&&r()>.9&&d)d=0,g[y][x]=R; } } g[height-1][width-2]='#000'; onkeypress=k; k(); </script></canvas>