Very nice game! It's a nice concept. But I must mention a few things:
1.) While the dialogue itself is very nicely incorporated in terms of text speed, text sound effects, and overall narrator's humor in general, I eventually found it a bit annoying especially level 1. Every 2 seconds, I would be stopped by a dialogue, I move 2 steps I get a dialogue, I eat the food and I get a dialogue, I break the box I get a dialogue, I break the crate I get a dialogue. After I while I was just like "Bro let me play the game" and just spammed Enter xD. But don't take it the wrong way, I enjoyed playing, I just think you should let the player play the game and figure things out themselves without being interrupted many times
2.) When I died, I pressed Continue and loaded in on the same level but started out with 0 Stamina. So I couldn't move. I was forced to quit the game and replay it.
All in all, I'm giving you a great rating! The things I mentioned above don't really affect anything (FUN VISUAL AUDIO MOOD IDEA). They're just nitpicky things that I just wanted to provide constructive criticism on. YOU FOOL!! Great job though! Keep it up :)