Ah, okay - thanks for confirming that. I'm not sure exactly what we'd need to change it to yet, but if you think it would be possible to modify then I can find out and let you know the wording?
Bit of background - we were wanting to change it to something that makes it totally clear the game is free and that any payment a player chooses to make is a voluntary donation that helps support the team, rather than being a purchase of the game itself. At the moment the text is a bit ambiguous and can be interpreted as if players think they are paying for the game, e.g. "letting you pay what you think is fair _for_ the game".
By linking the payments to the value of the game our tax authority here in the UK is arguing the payments should be classified as sales rather than donations, and that means we need to pay sales tax at 20% on all the donations we receive. We've tried reasoning with them but they're giving us the distinct impression they're not particularly sympathetic to our argument, hence we thought it would be easier just to change the text rather than continue arguing. That way there's no way they can insist people think they're paying for the game.