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  • Pop-ups were very wordy, could be replaced with one sentence and possibly icons
  • The "Esc" and "health" UI elements are unable to be seen in full screen mode and slightly cut off in windowed mode (on itch)
  • On both winning screen, the "reload level' and the "quit" buttons were cut off in full screen mode (on itch)
  • In full screen mode, on both levels' winning screen, a strip of navy blue and a red line (possibly another scene?) can be seen on the left
  • Health bars were really beneficial, made me feel a bit more in control
  • Unsure of what LMB means? Possibly left mouse button, but didn't recognize the abbreviation
  • Grenade doesn't do splash damage as expected, took a few plays to realise that it works more like a "throwing axe" or something, rather than a bomb
  • The stone trap didn't do as much damage as anticipated, expected it to leave the zombie with 1hp, but took several shots to kill it
  • The tutorial button/lever pulling pop-up has a typo. "Pull the level"
  • Unable to jump in the first level, but able to jump in the second level?
  • Can place unlimited traps with only 1 grenade