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The user experience has improved a lot over the versions such as click power upgrades being made cheaper. By the way I love Titnosis, how about adding Assnosis as a variation of it? Yes it's a thing. But aside from the elf fights, there are still some issues related to resetting progress for pearls, and with how weak spiral power has gotten compared to click power. I will explain in detail, so here's a "gold mind" of information.

Regarding resetting progress for pearls, it's not explained very well what happens or what you keep and lose. Resetting sounds like a drastic decision, so the player should know what they're getting into. But all you are told is that you keep unlocked girls at level 1 and pearl upgrades, and what affects pearl gain. That implies that you lose everything else, but that isn't exactly true. It also doesn't say whether money and items bought with money count as pearl upgrades that you keep (you need pearl upgrades to get money in the first place, so it makes sense but it's not clear). A more accurate and honest description would be like this: "Softly resets progress; You keep unlocked pictures and achievements, girls at lvl 1, pearl upgrades (specify about money and item collection here), and can speed up re-leveling girls." Before resetting, players would definitely want to know that they can speed up re-leveling girls after resetting. You could also explain about the up to +25 level per click button or give it a description.

There are additional unmentioned, even strange things about resetting for pearls. Although you keep unlocked achievements, progress towards achievements that you don't have is actually reset (most significantly for 100,000 levels), even though the progress reports on these achievements still mention the number you were last at. So there's a bug with either achievement progress or progress reports here. Also you lose click power upgrades, willpower and beach loyalty, even though none of those things affect pearl gain. You do retain 1.04 billion willpower, but why that amount specifically? If the idea is that you use willpower to reset, it'd make more sense to have it cost a certain amount, subtracted from your willpower. It could be a fixed amount, or based on how many pearls you'd get. But resetting willpower doesn't make sense unless it were to affect pearl gain. Resetting click power upgrades may make even less sense, but if it's going to be reset then it should also count. Beach loyalty should count anyway like the other areas' loyalty that get reset.

Regarding spiral power, it should really be buffed for Titnosis and the regular spiral (but not the pendulum, that's plenty powerful and can just multiply click power). Spiral power used to be about as powerful as click power (or later in the game half as powerful or less) if you upgraded both diligently. But click power upgrades were made cheaper without adjusting  spiral power to compensate for that. The result is that spiral power has fallen WAY behind click power. While you could buff the spiral power increase factor, maybe spiral power should instead increase with click power upgrades (rather than with leveling girls), to ensure that it doesn't fall so behind. It could increase 1 to 1 but it could also be a smaller percentage, like 1/2,  1/5 or 1/10. Even 1/50 or 1/100 of click power would actually be a huge buff compared to now, because it really has become that underpowered. Also maybe achievements should increase spiral power by 5% like they do for click power.

To demonstrate the huge disparity between spiral and click power in an example, my click power was about 110 billion while my spiral power was just 10 million. I mean, spiral power was about 1 / 11000 of click power, an absurd difference. At that point, several of my harem girls and the college conquest girls had 10+ billion mind barrier health. 10 million power does nothing to that, and that amount of health was actually nothing compared to the conquest girls past college. The conquest girls' health was a few hundred billion in the city, over a trillion at the beach, and it gets to a few trillion in the countryside just to complete it. Spiral power would've had to be 100x more just to have had 1/110th of click power or 1 billion power, which might've been ok (though not great) against 10+ billion health, but still wouldn't have even put a dent in the conquest girls past college. The disparity got even bigger as I kept playing. Meanwhile the pendulum multiplies click power massively, and the pendulum items in the shop are much stronger than the Titnosis and regular spiral items. So you can see why I think Titnosis and the regular spiral should really be buffed. Spiral power shouldn't be falling behind 1/100 or 1/50 of click power, and really it should be more than that.