Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback.
Not sure how simply you want me to explain it. But if all you're looking to do is to use the basic ones I provided, you use them like any other renpy text tag. Just drop the kinetic_text_tags.rpy into your project's 'game' folder with your other .rpy files. And to use a tag like the bounce tag in your script, just type "{bt}" where you want it to start and "{/bt}" where you want it to end. So like "Here's some {bt}wavy text{/bt}". And some of them allow for modifiers as well. Such as doing "{bt=30}" will increase the amplitude of the waves.
I maybe should've documentated the parameters I set better, but for the bounce, rotate and scare tags, it's mostly just affects how extreme the effect is and is just an integer. The fade in takes how many characters into the line it is and a float representing how long the fade in should last for each character, the parameters separated by a '-'. Swap takes two strings of equal length separated by an '@' as well as how quickly to swap between them. And the gradient ones... you'll probably want to study up on hex color codes before using that one. xP
Going over how they work might be more advanced. But I provided a lot of comments in the kinetic_text_tags.rpy file to help explain what's going on. And if you have any specific questions about how it works or how to change something to your liking, feel free to ask!