How was sneaking?
Was it intuitive?
- The sneaking felt good. I was using my sight-line to peek around corners and it felt like I could be seen at any moment. I think it was very intuitive.
How was whetzel detection (ex. range, accuracy of detection)?
- I think the accuracy of detection was good, I would maybe add a small area around the Whetzels so if the player gets close behind them, they will detect the player. I think the range of detection could be a little larger or maybe there is a special Whetzel that can see farther or a larger area. Also a little notification when you are detected would be nice (like a Metal Gear exclamation mark or something)
Do you like your move speed?
- I think the move speed was good, it wasn't too slow or too fast. I would like to maybe have a sprint or something (with stamina so the player doesn't run everywhere).
What do you think of the map size?
- I thought the map size was good, it gave me enough to explore but not so much that I got lost. Some of the tiles had some strange collisions where the player could get stuck or it seemed like I could move through the gap but couldn't. It happened mainly around the single pillar-like tiles.
What skills would make it more fun? More challenging?
- I think a blink would be fun to have. A flare gun that lights up rooms could be a nice addition. Firecrackers or noise makers could allow the player to distract the Whetzels. I think the glue gun should slow the Whetzels down instead of destroying them. I'm sure you will add it but I don't think the glue gun should have infinite range/the ability to shoot through walls.
Did you like the music and volume level?
- Loved the music and I thought the volume level was fine, though if you wanted you could add a volume slider to control the level.