I left a comment about the frozen part - but - I failed to notice you also mentioned the price part
Price is only off when an item comes back out. If it happens, it means the crate lost sight of an item that was in it, unfortunately, causing pretty much the entire deal to go south (I.e Geoffrey calls you a crook, tells the guards to come vandalize your hard earned grips, and mark them all as "(stolen)" - Stolen is in such infancy though, that customers pay it no mind... Which might be a bug all of its own....come to think of it....
Course, Maybe Geoffrey can't tell crook from fake, and just calls it all stolen, but the game engine can actually realize you didn't actually steal it, and allows you to sell "fake(stolen)" - but if you were to actually /steal/ items (somehow) then you'd not be able to sell them, and they'd be "real(stolen)"
anyway. You can avoid it entirely by using your own order scroll
avoid it entirely by carrying them out of his shop one at a time (or going to the doorway and tossing them out with physics)
or by VERRRRYYYY carefully setting them inside his basket, close it but then open it (If you don't close it before you leave the shop, you won't be able to after you've left) and then crouch and pick it up with your knees rather than your back, minimizing the item physic explosion... Carefully carry them out, don't flail around/whip around instantly, doing so the items inside can't keep up with the basket, despite them staying inside and being pulled around by the basket - They'll "exit" the basket and fudge the price - Just take it nice and slow, carefully and walk out, once the coin chest goes away and you're firmly on the grass, you can then close the basket (now a crate)
Its a basic crate with a lid at this point, not a player crate - it will not lock physics, but it' ll keep the items from exploding across the map.
You can look at the other post I made for ways to "fix" it