The game overall is pretty cool and definitely has a lot of potential.
The concept is interesting and is done in a fun way. There's definitely room for improvement though.
I like the art, the movement; and the camera is in a nice place to see both sides. But the attacking made me just skip combat and jump over everything when possible. Having to hold a button for a delayed attack made combat not fun and more difficult.
Another reason why I avoided combat was because of the delay I'd often get hurt and have to restart from the last checkpoint. I feel like having a health meter that restarts the level when it runs out would be a lot more fun. Instead of getting hurt by a chicken and having to redo the level again; it got frustrating quickly. For an action platformer is also seems a bit off to make the action slow.
There's a lot of potential and a lot of fun in the game! It just has a few issues that make it less fun and somewhat of a chore to play at times.