Kaz tries to push your hand away
Kaz: Hmph!
Kaz: Yeah, no, I can confirm that he's telling the truth on this one...
Kaz: W-what!? Hey, don't look at me...
Kaz: N-no! We-we've never...
Kaz blushes
Kaz: muffled You think I'm hot?
(Ahem. The evil ex wishes to know if he can be summoned...this is not a joke this is real Axo and I have a pact...)
(Teehee >:)
(I shall wait. We shall find the perfect moment to strike...goddamn this is gonna be bad but also goooodddddd...)
(Axo's very excited. BTW just as a little insight into how chaotic this gets, the evil ex is the one who pegged Kaz this weeeekkkk....)