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(1 edit)

Hey just bought the game and I'm really digging it so far! I have a question about renown and bounties. On page 12 it indicates that a low renown die is a d20 and a high renown die is a d4.  And for bounties it indicates that you roll renown and multiply the result by $100.

If high renown players fail an all-or-nothing appeal they would be the target of a 1d4 x $100 bounty. And if low renown players fail their all-or-nothing appeal they would be facing a 1d20 x $100 bounty. Do I have that correct? If so shouldn't renown and bounty have an inverse relationship? 

Sorry if I don't have this right! Trying to get it down pat so I can play it with my father. 


Hey there! Thanks for your support, glad to hear you're enjoying the game!

Alright, bear with me, Renown wasn't my strongest bit of writing here:

The way I see it, a low renown player is the lowest of the low - a nobody without any bearing on society at large. So, if such an individual were to commit a crime then they would have to face the full force of the law and a bounty to match. A high bounty player on the other hand is a celebrity of sorts - a mythical figure whose name is known far and wide. If this is their first time breaking the law, maybe their reputation softens the bounty on their head? Maybe the sheriff looks the other way and muddles the details of the crime? Conversely, if this isn't their first time committing a crime then what difference will a few hundred more on their bounty make really?

Interesting! OK that makes sense to me. I like your approach here and see it definitely as flexible. Taking the attitude of local law enforcement and other influential people into account makes sense.  Thanks and I'd love to see more supplements or adventures.