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(2 edits) (+4)

Okay, upon playing the game a few things.
Firstly Amazingly done, You guys did a bang up job on presentation, game feel, and over atmosphere. My only gripes are a few Balancing issues.

-I feel like the Lantern's over all hit box should be slightly smaller, to make passing those Extremely Tight gaps a bit more forgiving.
-The sound effect on the repel ability is pretty loud and probably should be a bit lower in the mix.

-The bramble maze is just Bs in more ways then one. One would be fixed with the Hitbox reduction, but I also had cases where would spawn at a checkpoint, and just eat damage from a randomly spawning enemy that was just camping there.

-The dashing wolf Segment, the First one comes out of nowhere and you can't even prep for it. I'd recommend moving him a bit higher up, so when you are full speed you can at least catch the first one before it hits you to prep you for the next challenge, as it stands now it's too easy to get hit by it without getting a chance to know it's coming.

-Finally, the Floating Additional Lanterns had covered the main one from time to time causing me to take hits because I couldn't accurately determine where I was spacially.

But all and all Pretty good. If you can tweak those things after the Jam, this would be a pretty solid One shot. And I hope to see more from this team in the future.

EDIT - Also for some odd reason I'm having issue getting the Browser version to load. Not sure if that is the case for others, but It just doesn't like me, or maybe the Brave Browser.

EDIT 2 - Works Fine on Chrome, not Brave. Must be a Unity plug in thing.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your feedback! We'll keep your feedback in mind so we can adjust some things after the gamejam is over