Hi, yesterday I found your topic about Sonic music for TIC-80 and I started with the main title for Sonic 1 (I haven't found Sonic Mania's sheet music). Today I've made the Game Over song and I will continue with the boss theme (Sonic 2) and then, with Green Hill Zone. I will post here the cart with the music (It seems that it's not possible to copy and paste music from one cart to another... maybe I don't know how to do it).
WOW! thats awesome! heres the cart! https://jackj106.itch.io/pokeydevcollab (if you want it, this is the wip cart, alpha 1 is on tic.computer)
to use the wip cart go here https://itch.io/game/accept-admin/172179/723199
And just thanks my dude thats ligit.
and it dosnt have to be the sonic maina title theme. classic one is fine or whatever one you did
this stuff is amazing. thanks for implementing it in my messy af code Lol.
only thing i noticed was when jumping the music was canceled out. (it whent back to normal when the sound effect is over, i was just noticing because the game has a lot of jumping)
im looking into it as far as why,
but this music work IS AMAZING.
thanks so much
also, no need to change somthing yourself... im working on a large patch
Glad you like it. Transcribing Sonic music was fun. I think the sound cancellation is because music uses all four channels. And the sound effects needs to use one of the four, so there are always going to cancel something. Maybe changing the channel parameter of the sfx() function will make the cancellation less noticeable.
so there were somethings i wanted changed, i just didnt want to have to overwrite edits on the dev collab page because if my updates.
so i was wondering , if its not much trouble, could you do these two things:
1. the sonic mania menu screen song. (the select mode or whatever one) (
) Obviously not the whole thing. just a small loop. i tried to convert to midi to make a music sheet for you... but uh......
2.extend the opening song a bit, maybye mix it up a little with the super sonic song from sonic 2 to make it more upbeat. i want it to last longer so that he gets into position before the song ends and so theres a bit more before it (if i can program it) does a demo. if you dont know how to go about mixing them or hit a artist block then the sonic mania opening theme would be fine...
3. if you feel like it, the sonic mania opening animation song. i want to use it in the final boss and the demo screen
im trying to by ear make sheet music... its feaking hard, but im doin it
im going to try