Not gonna lie, I got lost.
I wondered around trying to understand what to do at first, then second, I walked around trying to understand how to do. And finally made it.
The atmosphere is pretty cool! It is a shame the particles does not work, it would have make it even more immersive.
Time for the "trying to be constructive" part:
-Try to make a way to pass the dialogue more quickly. I know it sets up the beginning but I reloaded three time and had to wait each time...
-I play with mouse and keyboard, not on full-screen, and the cursor is not catch by the game. I mean I see it going around and it makes me feel weird when trying to look around...
-Maybe make the level edges more evident. I don't know how though, to not break the good atmosphere... :/
To summarize:
Short (when you understood what and how), with a good atmosphere!