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(1 edit)

WHAT AMAZING DEMO!!! I think this is such a cool concept!!! I love the execution of the asthma attacks, the game is absolutely gorgeous, the sound is so suiting and I love the voice actors accent, it's really put together so beautifully! I do feel like a bit of an a** for playing the demo and uploading my playthrough and then doing research and finding out it's coming out tomorrow so that's a shame, BUT I will absolutely being doing a full play through of the game once they are available. I have no complaints, I adore the movement and I think all of the puzzels and ideas are going to work GREAT!! I do suck at opening the doors though and I had a bit of trouble turning the crank, but overall I think this game will become very very big and if there's anything I can do to help you guys at all i'd be happy to (I liked the demo that much) But yes! I look forward to the chapters to come!

Hi Angelique! Thank you so much! We are trying for these reviews! We are very pleased :) Hope you'll enjoy the full version in future!