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I really loved playing your game. It's amazing. The only bug I really noticed was on level 6 that the second moving platform would sometimes disappear when I died and respawned. But other than that it was amazing I loved it.

Thank you very much for playing my game! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. I'll have to see this glitch in level 6 because I haven't seen it myself but thanks again!

The bug didn't appear till I had played through that level a few times. It could also be an issue with the web build of the game I'm not sure.

Ah ok, I've not fully mastered how to properly export WebGL from unity so I'll have to double check that as well. It didn't appear in the editor so maybe? 

(1 edit)

It might not be that it's just that I've been told by a friend of mine who showed me how to do the web builds that sometimes bugs can appear that weren't there before so it might be worth checking out.

Oh ok, hmm thats odd. I'll definitely have to check that out then. Thank you again!