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Yeah your right! A bit more detailed description would be

1.get bottom logan

2.get the fair

3.tell korg in particular to go.

4. Wait until after the fair is done and talk with korg again.

5.tell him yes to having fun with the red head.

Also no where near detailed but it's a little simple, just a lot in the background for the major steps.

When or how can I get the fair? I just talked to Feliar, invited Korg to my house, and captured Roushk.

you get the fair by doing bernards night date, the first time he gives you 3 options

1. New houses

2. The fair

3. Defensive aspects.

All 3 have there own scenes and the order I listed might be different in game but the fair is entertainment aspects when talking with him, also you need to have cured bernard and logan for him to do a night date. Also bernard needs 2 hearts to invite you for a date to get the 3rd. I think it you need 3 hearts, pretty sure it's 2 and the date gives you 3.

I did it!!  Thank you