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your game was amazing, wonderful narrative, love the little secret that i found  great stuff, the field of mines was very difficult, i tried like 25 times before i just gave up. otherwise great stuff, visually beautiful

Thanks for playing and giving feedback GhostBit! Maybe I should have balanced that bit a little better 😅 some people just seem to be able to run through it and get to the end no problem 😛


what!? really? ok give me a sec, let me do that lol


just beat it! got though the minefields on my 6th try, and the last level was easy, found 3 hidden things great game


Awesome, well done mate! Thanks for returning and giving it another shot, very much appreciated! 🤗 yeah the minefield may be too hard too early on, should have seen that coming…


No probs man, we learn and move on. thanks again