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Thanks! As for the other stuff

The slight delay has to do with the the fact that I made it so the player cant move until the scene transition is completely finished, which obviously can be fixed.

There is no quit button, I did not think to add one.

Merging on a light blue tile is not intentional, I discovered that way too late to change anything, and it will be fixed post-jam. As for that, how do you think I should handle that sort of situation? Maybe you’re just not allowed to, maybe I have some kind of ghost that will show you WHY you can’t go there? Maybe it launches you somewhere? I’d love to hear your thoughts :)

And for the last one, I’ll be releasing a post-jam version at some point, and you can find my channel on the game’s page of you’re interested in following that. Thanks for all the feedback!


For the light blue tile, I would say just not being able to go would be enough. If you are afraid the player could not understand why, my suggestion would be you play the animation of getting merge, have the big dark blue box appearing and disappearing right away to get back to the previous situation with one move lost (the contrast of color is explicit enough) :)

The "it launches you somewhere" would add another dimension to the game, you can do something with it but it would be a new gameplay component (not a bad one if well made though). Jumping over holes, having a third dimension... your choice :)

I will check it from time to time to see the new updates then!


Alr, thanks so much for taking the time to respond with some awesome feedback!


Sure, it is normal as a fellow game dev to share passion and insight ;)

It is Brackeys philosophy as well :p

yessssssssss fs