The player floats in the air slightly: https://gyazo.com/ee5ceb3a64ade505698a111b5c684b91
You can stick to the side of platforms. This might be intentional but it doesn’t look right and it’s quite frustrating: https://gyazo.com/212087e1cd5e4ade1189790272d46317
I’m not a fan of the art. I get that you were going for a simplistic style and that’s fine but I feel like the palette used isn’t very cohesive. I’d recommend using a pre-made palette from a site like Lospec
I’d also recommend looking into some other techniques to improve the feel of movement. Things like input forgiveness and coyote time
The art is all very clean up until this circular thing which is a bit jarring with how blurry it is: https://gyazo.com/c38bc126f7152e744d0d109596541f8d
The music is good but it seems to be lacking in sound effects
I didn’t get a video of it but on the level which first has the yellowish backdrop I wasn’t able to move in mid-air. Instead I would just move a little bit to the right/left and then be stuck there in mid-air until I fell to the ground
The description says the red guy has super speed but it seems like he’s also able to jump an infinite number of times