The phrase “Apes Together Strong” is actually the first thing that came to mind when I heard the theme lol. I’m glad someone decided to make a game about it
I think the game could so with some more visual and audio feedback
I also think there should be a tutorial of some sort. I was quite confused at first
The models are all pretty good but I’m not a fan of the chromatic aberration. I don’t think it fits very well with the game’s style
I think the game’s perspective is a bit weird as well. I think a front-on angle would be better since then the player would be able to see everything and wouldn’t have to guess occasionally
When two or more characters are standing on top of each other it looks a bit weird (the model glitches a bit): https://gyazo.com/8c178784239e7186b4dfe93d1f263bbd
Some of the levels were surprisingly difficult (especially the last one) but I had a lot of fun