I’m not a fan of the art. I get that the whole point of the game is that everything is blue/pink but I feel like the shades used don’t go together very well. I’d recommend using a pre-made blue-pink-centralised palette from a site like Lospec
The movement doesn’t feel great. I’d suggest adding in things like coyote time. Although it does seem like there’s a bit of input forgiveness which is good
It seems like the player floats a little bit above the ground
I feel like the colorful hole is a bit too colorful. As is, an epilepsy warning may be required
The control scheme is really confusing but I liked it and it really added to the challenge
Surprisingly good story and very fun
When I was in the blue world again I fell in a hole and didn’t respawn: https://gyazo.com/1a3f18cab291832055d907c122224594
I wish there was a restart button so I could have finished the game