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Really enjoyed the original take on this kind of game. Especially enjoyed the really clear, smooth heartbeat animation as blood travels around the body. 

The hazards seem just about manageable while keeping the heartbeat going, so once one limb drops off I always feel good about how long I kept all four going, instead of feeling frustrated that I'd lost one, which is really nice!

I'm glad you liked the blood travel, I had the idea to switch to that early on and I think it really helped to sell what was going on.

That's so great to hear! I definitely felt through testing that it was toeing that line of potentially frustrating, but glad that it ended up in a more balanced state. Thanks for saying so!

I appreciate you playing the game :)

It really did! What did you switch from just out of interest? 

Originally I was going to have a bunch of arrows on the veins that would light up in succession as it went around the limb. It would have still been readable, but I think would have also detracted from the game a bit.