Audio is a bit too loud
I’m not a personal fan of the art but it all looks very cohesive which is great
Music is good, no complaints there (although I’m not exactly good with sound design so take that with a grain of salt)
I didn’t grab a screenshot in time but when the dialogue starts the player’s gravity temporarily freezes which looks a bit weird (they float)
I was a bit confused at first (I prefer to not look at the itch.io description unless I have to)
I can’t really put my finger on it but something seems off about the shooting animation. It feels as if one of the frames might be duplicated
I love the idea of taking an enemy’s abilities and using it as your own. It reminds me of one of the old Skylanders games lol. I’m surprised I haven’t seen this before in this jam
Enemy AI is great. They actually feel somewhat intelligent and they’re each like their own little boss fight
The game is very unforgiving since there are no checkpoints
The sky is quite empty. Maybe some clouds could make it more interesting?
I got stuck here as the blue turtle guy (going invisible again fixes it though)
- A pretty good entry!