Really well done! You have put a lot of work in this game. I can see that you took some inspiration from the BlackThornProd Winner which I also did with my game but you really delivered! Find below my review video:
00:50 The Answer Is Yes
Whoa, I didn't expect this! Thanks a ton for playing, I watched your playthrough of it. Unfortunate that the audio got scuffed, I would have liked for you to hear the piano music in its highest quality, but that's not your fault at all. I'm just glad that I got to see you play through the whole thing, it's always a joy watching someone else play what you've made.
And yep, BlackBird was a great game to study off of since it was made within the same time limit. I actually took inspiration from a lot of different games in order to make a story-based game that I thought a lot of people would enjoy.