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Exciting for sure :) 

This is a good one to start with, my first gamejam was a 48 hour one so it was pretty full on (and I didnt finish a game). 

A week is a much nicer amount of time to work with. 

Yikes, I don’t think 48 hours would be nearly enough time for me lol

(1 edit) (+2)

Yeh its pretty intensive, I think at the moment Ive completed less than 40% of the 48 hour gamejams I've participated in. I only leave my PC to sleep or get some exercise, all other plans get cancelled, etc, sometimes I take the following day off work for recovery (since the final night is best to pull and all-nighter). It can be a very rewarding experience (also super frustrating when things dont go well) but definetly give it a go sometime if youre feeling up for one!