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Just finished the game and I liked it a lot! Got Ending A, and will try to get the remaining two. The soundtrack is rad and an interesting style choice for this type of game and the characters designs have a really good mix of creepy and cool.

Like some other comments mentioned, the UI is a bit too small and hard to read. I also find myself only changing between 2 or 3 of the available weapons and shields, and though most of them sound cool, they quickly become obsolete.

Regardless, this is a really fun and bizzare game; would marry an eldritch grease mass again.


Thank you so much for your feedback, I will try to at least improve the UI among other things to come. I also apreciatte your nice words :) I will consider the problem with the weapons in my future projects.

Same, I ended up just using the frogwand (upgraded) and the silver broadsword you buy from the witch at the beginning of the game