First thoughts on the game was that it is really graphically well done, i felt a bit pushed in at the deep end with not knowing the controls. The big 'GO ->' sign i believe should not have colliders and should just be a sign and not apart of the actual collidable level due to it being in the air.
I got stuck at this section for a while due to me believing that the section to the right of the player had a wall in between and also not knowing how to climb ladders or if you could climb ladders.
The music and sfx in this game are generally spot on for a game that has this feel to it, very good job with that. Only complaint with the sfx is when you jump on those red circle guys it just sounds like an old man in pain and does not fit the enemy at all in my eyes. The death impact felt a little slow and the character should not be frozen during this time and just have the effect still happen while being able to move with a slightly louder sfx but still the same sfx for when damage is impacting the player.
The colleectibles in this game don't feel like they fit the world in my opinion, i'm talking about the blue gingerbread men. It does not fit the world in my opinion and feel a little stationary, an animation for them wouldn't go a miss.
Over here i believe that the purple things should not be collidables as it seems that it is just part of the background and took me a little off guard that these were collidables. Pelicans are cool and a good fit for this game.
The level design over here seems a bit rushed in my opinion with the world not loading in on the right which was a common theme when going from one part of the level to the other that the world just took a second or two to load in. (here's where i realised the gingerbread men had an animation, this needs to be more obvious too the player)
And then I reached the end which was nice too see this little animalistic face looking back at the player.
Overall thoughts are that this is a good game that could do with some attention and polish in rendering, animations and level design. Also a title screen so the player isnt pushed into the game so abruptly with a how to play / controls menu would be nice, good game overall, good work!