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(1 edit)


so this week I streamlined my original idea with the help of friendly people on the YJ discord :) thanks gang!! based off this streamlining, I was able to put together a full twine outline (some notes on the side):

as you can see it's a mostly linear game, with a few choices here and there, as well as some optional pages to check out that don't really progress anything. It's tidy now, but I'm sure it won't stay that way!!

I've also decided to scrap my original idea of making a VN, and just focus on getting all the words out, by making it as a text game in twine. If I manage to get the twine version to a place I really like, I'll work on getting some art into the game or migrating it back into a VN. not sure yet, basically!

I'm hoping to get a few more words out tonight, but as of posting this, the twine summary says I have 1291 words, which is a good start :)