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weird, i thought logan story is good, but not so fleshed out though as bernard, logan had beatiful wife, he loved her, but she betrayed him for some wolves, he is this masculine man man who is afraid to show weakness, until you

(1 edit)

For a couple that has almost come dangerously to the point of physical aggression between both of them ... - I don't see where the beauty is there ... 

Physical beauty is not everything.


Logan was a fairly good husband. He is aggressive to most people but claims he didn't and would never hit his wife. It was his wife who wanted more and ended up leaving him, Logan talks about this when he mentions how good they had it and all the sex he was having with her; where he explained he didn't know where it went wrong. At some point they started arguing because she wasn't feeling appreciated and loved, which I have mixed feelings about. Logan is a tsundere, he likes his space, his silence, he's shy and hides his feelings with tough words, but he definitely thinks about the people he cares about, he's shown many times that he considers others even before himself. When he charges into the bandits base, when defending the town, even on Halloween if you go to visit he has a present ready for you. He knows how to show love and care. So I think most of the fault lies in his wife. Especially seeing as how Logan still searches for her out in the woods. They never even had a conversation about her leaving, she just up and left leaving Logan to wonder what happened. He was terribly worried even choking the main character thinking we had done something to her when we return the necklace. It's tragic really. 


I completely agree! His wife caused him so much pain and essentially left him alone and vulnerable, he doesn't open up easily but she MARRIED HIM! We only have him show us  affection a couple times in the long time we interact with him because of his personality being what it is. And adding in his wife's betrayal makes it worse for him because now he most likely has a fear of love because of her infidelity, if she never did this he might've been coaxed into being more public and a bit more social. Now that possibility is still there but farther in the future and a lot harder.

I fell "by chance" into a path in which I manage to save her ... - and how to say ... Certainly, she is a beautiful woman (who plays a false role of ideal woman ...), but in reality she is a woman a little ... - devilish! Perverse and aggressive! And there are often arguments almost bordering on physical aggression between the two. (I think it's because of her that Logan became such a person as well)

So ... - I'm quite reluctant about his real person to him... Then in all situations Logan becomes almost the exact same person.