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(1 edit)

I can't aim properly with the gun , it's always rotated 90 degrees from the mouse , i can also shoot infinitely without ever reloading so i just have to spam the left click to kill everything on the surface of the earth.

The art is cute and the particles are amazing, but the background is pretty monochrome and feels empty.

The music does not loop so when you play , it stops forever and you can just hear the sound of your gun shooting at others.

A health bar would be pretty useful , because i never know when i take damage from anything , there is no sign of damage except the little pushback

I did not write all of that because i do not like the game , it's just a summary of what i think is / is not be good in it


Hey SharkOps. Thanks for all the feedback , and taking times to give me all these advices.  I underestimate all the work to do this kind of project.  I am adding 2 d light to start to give an atmosphere for background and the scene.   i  also take a break because too much work. lol

No problem !
I know it is hard to make a game , and even harder to make one that works.
Don't overwhelm yourself , be proud that you submitted something :D

(2 edits)

Yhea, like he said! B Proud!