It did, but the laser thing I did by accident. I'm at a loss with the 4th hint, I recognize the 2 symbols(red n green) on the right, but no idea what to do with that
Thanks! For the 4th hint, I planned to kinda make a coded map, so you start with the symbols at the left (green triangle down/green triangle up) and work your way through the symbols (arrows = directions, slashes = cracks in the stones). The last symbols indicate the cap you have to wear.
Nice! Yeah, the slashes are a bit small, I'm thinking about making them a tad bigger / better to see in the next update. Thanks for your feedback, man - you were very helpful! Also, I'm glad you enjoy my thick ladies :) Take care!
@theenginnerpug Check out the different statues - one is a bit different than the others. Also, check out the checked pattern on the floor in the middle - one part of it is not as expected. Hope that helps ;)