M'well it's kinda true for me too, because I love most of NomNomNami characters nonethelsess. But like, here, it felt especialy like idealized personas . The moxy/mochi/treat trio was too of course, but they fact they had a context of struggle hide it totally to my brain , and I'm just realizing it now trying to find examples to illustrate my thoughts >_<
>I don't think characters have to be nasty or selfish to be realistic
I did mention that, but I thought it in a broader sense. You know, in a relative sense - because we all see life through our own individuality : everything we do is kinda "normal, within logic" to us, while what other's do can often be percieved inexplicably good or bad (while it's just the normal "follow in" thing to do to their perception).
I don't know if I make sense >_<