I'll play yours asap ! (It's nighttime rn so probably tomorrow)
Here's mine, drop a comment after rating so I know you played it !
i tried but i got this :(
oh I see, you're not on Chrome, right ?a tester told me it only worked on google chrome
I am on the latest version of chrome, i just updated it
Ha... Then I idk. :(
Well, the downloadable version works, if you want.
i will play it after school :)
oh i remember playing your game! Idk why it doesnt work anymore bu i rated yesterday. Epic intro and humor. I just remembered. It works on the jam page only tho, not onthe game page. weird
Oh weird
That's right, I remember your game too. Not played yet but I added it to my list.
thanks. It has a weird installer though and its called LiquidExample for some reason lol