For me, it was rather easy and interesting to try, but there's a couple of things that prevented me from playing it more.
1) I can't stand the fact that this waves are off-tune with the bg music. I had to turn it off, but surely there are ways around that, aren't there? :)
2) I NEED an ability to remap keys, or at least an "hand-alternate" version, where I can move with WASD and act with sometimg else. I can't count how much I stumble trying to alternate between Z, X and C and ended up disconnecting things I didn't want to, going overboard with actions I didn't want to happen. Eventually, I was just tired.
3) It would be nice to have a save state or at least to make timer and sound stop when you minimize the app.
(Let's add FM, LFOs, wave bending and then they'll know how it is to feel their brains inside out :))