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I think it goes without saying that the polish was maximized in this entry ;) However, in terms of originality and gameplay, I fear it did a bit worse. The idea of using your corpses is already pretty common and something I see with a lot of games like this is that it's very frustrating whenever you see a spike, because you know you have to jump into it and redo the entire level again. One simple fix is to divide the levels up more, so that way the main mechanic becomes a puzzle mechanic and not an annoyance.

I'm sorry to disapoint you and learn you that but the game is already divided into multiple puzzle ^^'. Just after the first spike you pickup an item and normally a logo of the middle mouse button appears. By holding it you get to place a checkpoint, they can be placed anywhere on grass. Sorry you had to enjoy this game without knowing how to place the checkpoints and redoing the level in his entierity.

(1 edit)

Well, that certainly improved the experience! Why didn't you say it in the game somewhere, like you did with A D at the start?

There is a popup on the top of the screen when you pick up the bag of souls normally but you can maybe not see it if you have a resolution different to 1920x1080. Sorry i would have corrected that if this wasn't a gamejam x)